Posted in Celebrating Life & Nature, Poems


The mesmerizing, magical melody of music,
A song full of warmth, like a gently burning wick;
The sound of silence, full of wisdom unbroken,
A word of comfort and hope, well spoken.

Giant, dark clouds bringing the welcome rain,
A roar of thunder that dwarfs Earthly pain,
The whispering of tides on an ocean vast,
The whistling of the wind, full of memories past.

The comforting chirp of a bird on a lonely stretch of road,
A helping hand out of nowhere, to carry half your load;
A night lit up by the light of many a radiant star,
The mirror of self-awareness, revealing how lovely you really are.

-Written in Feb 2012

Posted in About People, Of Love & Friendship, Poems


As I sit by the shore,
On this serene, starry night,
Seeing you by my side,
The waves dance in delight.

There is so much said in silence
As you gently hold my hand,
Even the wind, impressed,
Starts sketching in the sand.

You look at me, with eyes
Whose beauty no words can tell,
For they are filled with mischief,
And enchanting innocence as well.

As you lay your head upon my shoulder,
You seem to magically ease my pain,
For your smile has the warmth of a flame,
And the freshness of morning rain.

Is that a bird singing far away?
Or maybe, nearby? I cannot say.
For at this moment, I am lost in you;
Just you, my love.

-Written in 2009

Posted in Celebrating Life & Nature, Poems, Reflective


Under the moon’s seductive spell,
I watch the stars tremble in the sky;
I wonder if she can make them tell,
Of the mysteries that in their midst do lie.

What splendid secrets do they hold?
What thrilling tales lie untold?
What tantalizing treasures do they conceal?
What eclectic emotions do they feel?

What succulent songs do they sing?
To what cosmic music do they dance?
Do they know the answers to everything?
Can they separate fate and chance?

They make beautiful patterns in the sky,
To which much meaning we give;
Are they joking or do they lie
Or can they really help us better live?

Shielded by space and cloaked by time,
They puzzle, baffle and beguile,
Someday, in kindness, I hope they give me the key,
That vanquishes their veil of mystery.

-Written in Dec 2010