Posted in About People, Poems


He is pushed aside by a crowd
running to catch a glimpse of a movie star;
as he gets to his feet,
he promises himself that, one day, he too will go far;
he thinks of that day, when,
by his achievements, they will all be wowed,
a day when he is no longer
just another face in the crowd.

The star gets out of his black limousine,
he looks jaded and weak;
a hundred people surround him
and scream his name out loud,
they want to touch him,
get close to him, hear him speak,
but he would rather be someplace else,
somewhere, where he is just another face in the crowd.

© Sharan Rao 2011
Artwork by smashmethod,

Posted in About People, In a Lighter Vein, Poems


Every time a smiling face I see,
I wonder what that smile is telling me.

For some smile to deride,
while others smile to hide,
and many a smile looks like a frown,
reluctantly turned upside-down.

Some seem to smile,
every once in a while,
for apparently no reason at all;
others draw back their curtains,
but remain hidden behind a wall.

Some use it beautifully, to say
what words can’t.
Others use it  in a way,
that gets them what they want.

But still, a smile is a pleasant thing,
and best of all, it’s free;
so the next time you come along,
do bring one for me. 🙂

Artwork © ~Bleach—Lover,