Posted in Of Love & Friendship, Poems, Reflective


If the nature of love
you wish to understand,
think of it
as an uncut diamond
held in your hand.

and full of rough edges;
if held too tightly,
it can cut  you
like a blade.

Strong and eternal;
if polished with care,
it holds the potential
of a beauty rare,
one, that will never fade.

It is as ancient
as the world that made it,
and yet, seems forever new;
complex, when analyzed,
yet, so simple, it’s untrue.

Posted in About People, Of Love & Friendship, Poems


My friend, please don’t cry those silent tears
that I can’t wipe away;
don’t get lost in the dark alleys of your fears,
let me help you find your way.

My friend, don’t let the wounds of your past
scar your future or your today;
don’t give up on your dreams so fast,
no matter what others may say.

Dance, my friend, for the music still plays,
in its many secret, enchanting ways;
laugh, for life is but a fleeting moment,
in which no pain forever stays.

– Written in 2010

Posted in About People, Of Love & Friendship, Poems


As I sit by the shore,
On this serene, starry night,
Seeing you by my side,
The waves dance in delight.

There is so much said in silence
As you gently hold my hand,
Even the wind, impressed,
Starts sketching in the sand.

You look at me, with eyes
Whose beauty no words can tell,
For they are filled with mischief,
And enchanting innocence as well.

As you lay your head upon my shoulder,
You seem to magically ease my pain,
For your smile has the warmth of a flame,
And the freshness of morning rain.

Is that a bird singing far away?
Or maybe, nearby? I cannot say.
For at this moment, I am lost in you;
Just you, my love.

-Written in 2009